Youth Sports

Youth Sports and Fitness programs helps Navy families balance the demands of family life and military readiness by providing opportunities for children to engage in rewarding physical activity and by exposing children to positive lifestyle behaviors. Here at GTMO we provide children/youth aged 2-18 years of age with opportunities for motor skill development programs. As well as individual and team sport leagues. All youth sports and fitness programs offered are volunteer ran. Volunteers are what make our sports seasons possible. If you volunteer coach and have children/youth/teens participate in YSF, and you can commit to the 6-8 week seasons, all of your youth participate for free. If interested in volunteering please email the gmail at the bottom of this page for a package and more information. 


at the link below

Welcome (


Registration Requriements:
CYP Registraiton Packet-Current
Parent Code of Conduct PAYS logo (how to guide is a download on the right hand side of the screen)
If there are any medical/allergy needs that require medication such as epi-pens or inhalers a CYP Medication Authorization packet is required.